Author name: kayakalp

Hydrating Foods for Summer – Incorporating Water Rich Foods

Water is essential for the efficient operation of our body. Water is needed for regulating body temperature, maintaining blood volume, and facilitating digestion. Proper hydration helps in the transportation of nutrients and oxygen to cells, in the removal of waste products, and lubrication of joints. Staying hydrated enhances cognitive function and physical performance, preventing fatigue, dizziness,

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The Importance of Hydration – How Much Water to Drink in Summers

Hydration is extremely crucial for maintaining overall health and well-being in humans. Water is essential for various bodily functions and performance. Let us see how important hydration is, for us. By drinking sufficient water and consuming hydrating foods, you support these critical bodily functions, contributing to overall good health. Hydration is essential during the summer

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Understanding Summer Heart Attack Spike – Causes & Risk Factors

The soaring temperature does not seem to stop and neither does the adverse effects of summer. Unless we are conscientious enough to shield ourselves during rising mercury levels, it can have damaging effects on hair, skin, etc. But can it impact your heart health? With long days and shorter nights, summers are usually looked forward

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Summer Heat & Mental Health –  Coping with Hot Weather Anxiety and Stress

Heat waves can have significant adverse effects on health, posing a serious risk to vulnerable populations. Prolonged exposure to extreme heat can lead to heat-related illnesses including heat exhaustion, heat cramps, and heat stroke, which can be fatal if not promptly treated. Mental health can also be seriously impacted, as the stress of coping with

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Thyroid Health and Skin – Impact of Thyroid on Dermatological Health

The thyroid gland is a small, butterfly-shaped gland located at the base of the neck. The thyroid gland plays a crucial role in regulating various metabolic processes in the body through the production and release of thyroid hormones. Thyroid hormones have a widespread impact on the body, including metabolism, growth and development, digestive system, bones,

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Impact of Stress on Thyroid health – Stress Management Strategies

Stress is a very common problem for people these days. There are so many factors causing stress ranging from competition, finances, career growth, relationships, and so on. However, a little amount of stress is not bad and actually helps us to perform better in our lives. However chronic stress can be detrimental to health. Everyone

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