Ayurvedic Perspective on Relationship and Wellbeing


Ayurveda offers a holistic approach to health and wellbeing, encompassing not only physical but also mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of life. From an Ayurvedic perspective, relationships play a significant role in overall wellbeing, as they can greatly influence one’s mental and emotional state, which in turn affects physical health.

Doshas and relationships :

No doubt, healthy relationships require communication, commitment, and care. But as per ayurveda, basic nature and body type also plays an important role in compatibility of two individuals.

In Ayurveda, the concept of doshas plays a significant role in understanding human health and behaviour, including relationships. Doshas are the three fundamental energies or principles that govern the functioning of the body and mind. These doshas are known as Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.

Vata Dosha is associated with air and ether elements, Vata governs movement, including breath, circulation, and elimination. People with dominant Vata dosha are creative, energetic, and enthusiastic. However, when out of balance, they may experience anxiety, restlessness, and instability in relationships.

Pitta Dosha represents fire and water elements. Pitta is believed to be responsible for metabolism, digestion, and transformation. Individuals with a dominant Pitta dosha are often ambitious, focused, and intelligent. In relationships, they can be passionate and assertive. However, when Pitta is imbalanced, they may become overly critical, impatient, and prone to anger, causing conflicts in relationships.

Kapha Dosha comprises of earth and water elements. Kapha governs structure, stability, and lubrication in the body. People with dominant Kapha dosha are usually calm, nurturing, and grounded. They tend to be loyal and supportive partners in relationships. However, imbalanced Kapha can lead to possessiveness, attachment, and stagnation in relationships.

In terms of relationships, Ayurveda emphasizes the importance of understanding one’s own dosha constitution as well as that of their partner to create harmony and balance. Compatibility between doshas can influence the dynamics of a relationship. For instance, partners with similar dosha constitutions may find it easier to understand each other’s needs and tendencies. However, they should be cautious of exacerbating each other’s imbalances.

Relationships between individuals with different dosha constitutions can bring balance and harmony. For example, a Vata-Pitta combination might balance each other’s energies, with Vata’s creativity complementing Pitta’s drive and determination.

Ayurveda suggests lifestyle practices, dietary choices, and herbal remedies to balance dosha imbalances, which can positively impact relationship dynamics. For instance, practicing calming activities for aggravated Vata, cooling foods for excess Pitta, or invigorating exercises for sluggish Kapha can help restore balance in both individuals.


Ayurveda advocates that all of our relationships are a reflection of our relationship with self. So, cultivate a good relationship with your own self first and that is the foundation for developing healthy relationships with others. Some tips for healthy relationships and wellbeing are given below :

Eat Mindfully: Ayurveda emphasizes the importance of mindful eating. Eating fresh, seasonal, and wholesome foods with good hydration supports physical health, which in turn affects mental and emotional wellbeing. Avoid eating processed, stale and chemicals in food. Healthy foods crate ‘Ojas,’ the biochemical equivalent of bliss and happiness. Share meals with loved ones and engage in meaningful conversations during mealtime to create a bonding in relationships.

Communicate with Compassion: Effective communication is key to healthy relationships. Be an active and patient listener and communicate with kindness and compassion. Try to understand your partner’s perspective and express your thoughts and feelings openly and respectfully.

Create Rituals Together: Establishing rituals or routines together can strengthen the bond in a relationship. This could be as simple as taking a walk together after dinner, cooking meals together, or practicing a shared hobby. Rituals create a sense of connection and stability.

Prioritize Quality Time: In today’s busy world, it is easy to get caught up in work and other commitments, neglecting quality time with loved ones. Make sure to spend meaningful time together without distractions. This could involve unplugging from technology, going on a weekend getaway, or having a regular date night.

Practice Forgiveness: Holding onto grudges or past resentments can strain relationships. Practice forgiveness and let go of any negative emotions that may be weighing you down. Cultivate an attitude of understanding and compassion towards yourself and others.

Connect with Nature: Ayurveda emphasizes the importance of being in harmony with nature. Spend some time outdoors for good health, whether it is going for a hike, gardening, or simply sitting in a park. Nature has a calming effect on the mind and can help strengthen your connection with your partner.

Maintain Emotional Balance: Emotional stability is crucial for healthy relationships. Practice techniques like pranayama (breathwork) and mindfulness meditation to cultivate inner peace and emotional resilience. This will help you navigate conflicts and challenges in a more balanced way.

Healthy Routines: Ayurveda advocates for daily routines, or dinacharya, that promote balance and wellbeing. This includes practices such as regular exercise, adequate rest, sleep, and healthy eating habits, which can be supported and reinforced within the context of relationships.

Create calm and soothing atmosphere : Infuse some soothing aromas and music in your surroundings to create a calming and harmonizing effect on everyone. You may burn some soothing fragrance incense, camphor, and essential oils.

Self-awareness and Self-care: Understanding one’s own needs, boundaries, and triggers is important for maintaining healthy relationships. Take time to nurture yourself through self-care practices. This can include daily routines like oil massage (Abhyanga), meditation, yoga, or simply spending time in nature. When you take care of yourself, you are better equipped to nurture your relationships. Ayurveda encourages self-awareness and self-care practices which can enhance personal growth and contribute to fulfilling relationships and wellbeing.

Spiritual Connection: In addition to physical and emotional aspects, Ayurveda recognizes the spiritual dimension of relationships. Cultivating a sense of connection, gratitude, and reverence for oneself and others fosters spiritual growth and deepens the bond within relationships. Relationships should be evolutionary for the people involved. Raising consciousness and supporting each other on the path should be the goal of life as per ayurveda.

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