Natural Energy Booster for Summers

energy booster

Summer is here and scorching heat is already making us feel drained. Summers in India can be quite intense. Depending on the region, temperatures can soar, especially in areas like Rajasthan and the Deccan Plateau. Gradually even less hot regions are also getting hotter year by year. The heat can be particularly challenging in the NCR region, where high temperatures combined with humidity can make it feel even hotter. Many people rely on strategies like staying indoors during the hottest parts of the day, using fans or air conditioning, and staying hydrated to cope with the heat. 

When the temperature is already touching 40C during the afternoon, we need food and other remedies to boost our energy levels. 

Stay Hydrated: This is crucial in hot weather. Drink plenty of water and healthy beverages to keep yourself hydrated. Coconut water and homemade lemonade with a pinch of salt and sugar are a great idea to replenish electrolytes lost through sweat. Lassi, chaach, aam panna, sattu, thandai are traditional drinks that not only hydrate but also boost your energy levels. Dahi, lassi, and chaach are fermented foods that are easy on the system and boost metabolism. Aam panna is prepared from raw mangoes and has excellent cooling and digestive properties. Sattu is made from chana is high in protein and has a cooling effect on your body. Rose sharbat from rose petals, kokum sharbat using kokum fruit are also amazingly refreshing and great energy boosters in summer.

Balanced and Light Meals: Opt for light, nutritious meals that are easy to digest. Include plenty of fresh vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins like lentils and beans. Incorporate some soaked nuts into your diet. Soaking nuts improves nutrient availability and makes them lighter for the digestive system. Heavy, large meals make you feel lethargic as they require energy to digest them. If you want to keep yourself energetic in summer, skip foods made with lots of oil and cream. Summer is also a time when bacterial growth can be really fast. Red meats may be avoided during peak summers due to unhygienic conditions and storage temperature issues that are often seen in butcheries and supply chains.

Sometimes, in such hot weather, you do not feel like eating food. You may try adding some accompaniments like pickles, chutneys, papad, salad, or chaach to make the food more appetizing. Also, please do not skip your breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day which can keep you energized the whole day.

Herbal Teas: Try refreshing herbal teas like mint, chamomile, or green tea. They not only hydrate but also provide a gentle energy boost.

Seasonal Fruits: India is blessed with a huge variety of fruits in every season. Enjoy seasonal summer fruits like watermelon, musk melons, mangoes, litchi, peaches, plums, and jamun which are a powerhouse of nutrients. Bananas are a very convenient, nutritious energy-boosting fruit. Sweet lime (mosambi) is also readily available in the summer. They are not only delicious but also hydrating and packed with vitamins and natural sugars for energy. Bel fruit and ash gourd juices in summer are excellent for your gut health. Sugarcane juice can give just the right amount of energy to beat the heat. Just watch your calories!

Reduce sugar and refined flour: In summer we are tempted to drink fizzy cola drinks and a variety of mocktails and flavored drinks. These are high in sugar which gives an instant boost to our energy. They cause a sharp increase in blood sugar levels, followed by a crash as the body releases a large amount of insulin to regulate it. High sugar in the diet can also lead to obesity and type 2 diabetes. 

Replace such drinks with fresh juices and natural drinks with low or no sugar. You may replace sugar with some sweet fruits like mangoes, dates bananas etc in shakes and smoothies. Instead of store-bought ice cream full of refined sugars, try making a mango smoothie ice cream or kulfi with dates and raisins at home. You do not need extra sugar as mango, dates, and raisins can give the required sweetness. Foods with refined flour and sugar often lack fiber and nutrients, so not easy on the digestive system.

Spices: Indian spices like ginger, turmeric, and cinnamon have natural energizing properties. Incorporate them into your meals or enjoy a cup of turmeric milk before bedtime for a soothing boost. 

Ayurvedic Herbs: Consider herbs like ashwagandha or ginseng, which are known for their adaptogenic properties, helping the body adapt to stress and promoting energy levels.

Yoga and Pranayama: Gentle yoga poses and breathing exercises can help increase circulation, reduce stress, and boost energy levels. Practices like Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) are particularly energizing. Practice cooling breaths like Sheetali and Sheetkari pranayama to cool down the body and calm the mind during hot weather. A meditation session after yoga and pranayama can keep you balanced and give you fresh energy.

Outdoor and physical activities: Engage in outdoor activities early in the morning or late in the evening when it is cooler. A brisk walk or jog can boost circulation and energy levels. Go to some nearby park or garden to get some fresh air to energize yourself.

 If you live a sedentary lifestyle and feel low on energy, then exercising can definitely boost your energy levels. You may do some regular exercise of your choice every day to keep yourself energetic.

Get enough sleep: Since the sun rises earlier in the summer, most people get up early. Sometimes, not getting enough sleep in the summer is also a reason for feeling low energy. Try to catch some sleep in the afternoon if possible or put some blackout curtains in your rooms, so that you can get a little extra sleep.

Rest and Shade: Ensure you get enough rest during the hottest parts of the day. Seek shade if you are outdoors to avoid overheating and fatigue. If you are outdoors, wear protective gear like sunglasses and sun hat. Keep yourself well-hydrated always.

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