Ways to Prevent Diabetes Complications during Rainy Season

Diabetes Complications

Monsoon season in India can bring a lot of challenges for people with pre-existing health issues. People with diabetes may face a range of complications due to the combination of environmental factors and health challenges. Fluctuations in temperature with high humidity and unhygienic conditions arising due to rains can all contribute to their health challenges.

Here are some common complications diabetics might encounter during this season along with their remedies:

  1. Increased risk of Fungal and Bacterial Infections: The damp and humid weather can lead to skin infections, particularly on the feet and in areas prone to moisture accumulation. Fungal infections, like athlete’s foot, are more common and can be harder to treat in diabetics. Other skin problems can also aggravate in this season for diabetes patients.

Minor infections, looking as redness, itching, or scaling can becoming serious complication for diabetes patients if not treated in time.

Due to neuropathy and poor circulation, diabetics are more prone to developing foot ulcers and infections, especially when feet are exposed to wet conditions.

  • Waterborne and Foodborne Diseases: Diseases such as gastrointestinal infections due to contaminated water and food are more prevalent during the monsoon due to high humidity and water contamination. These infections can cause diarrhea and dehydration, destabilizing blood sugar levels and complicating diabetes management.
  • Delayed Wound Healing: Any cuts or blisters may heal more slowly, increasing the risk of complications and infections.
  • Respiratory Illnesses like Flu and Cold: The rainy season can increase susceptibility to respiratory infections, which can be more severe in people with diabetes, affecting overall health and blood sugar control.
  • Mosquito-Borne Diseases: Dengue and Malaria: Stagnant water during the monsoon can lead to an increase in mosquito breeding, raising the risk of diseases like dengue and malaria. These infections can lead to complications such as high fever and dehydration, which can adversely affect blood sugar levels.
  • Blood Sugar Fluctuations: Increased consumption of comfort foods or street food during the rainy season can lead to blood sugar spikes. The monsoon may limit outdoor exercise opportunities, affecting routine physical activity levels and potentially leading to poor blood sugar control. It’s also important to manage blood sugar levels effectively, as poorly controlled diabetes can exacerbate the risk of infections.
  • Medication and Insulin Challenges: High humidity can affect the storage and potency of medications and insulin. Power outage is also one problem that can impact the storage conditions of medicines at various stages in India. Flooding or transportation disruptions can make it difficult to access pharmacies or medical care, leading to interruptions in treatment.
  • Psychological Stress: The gloomy weather and reduced sunlight during the monsoon can affect mood, leading to changes in eating habits and physical activity, which can impact diabetes management.
  • Vision Problems: Poor blood sugar control during the monsoon can exacerbate diabetic retinopathy, leading to vision issues.

Measures to prevent complications during the rainy season :

To prevent complications during rains, it’s important to be proactive in approach by taking care of hygiene, and health and monitoring your symptoms.

Prevention of Fungal Infection

To prevent fungal infections, it is important to maintain good hygiene by bathing regularly and thoroughly drying all areas of the body, especially between the toes and skin folds where moisture can accumulate.

Wearing moisture-wicking socks and breathable footwear can help keep feet dry while changing socks and shoes regularly can prevent fungal growth.

Avoid walking barefoot, even at home, to reduce the risk of injuries and exposure to fungal spores.

Using antifungal powders or sprays in areas prone to moisture can provide an extra layer of protection. Keeping your living environment clean and well-ventilated also reduces humidity levels, further preventing fungal growth.

Prevent water and foodborne diseases

To prevent water and foodborne diseases, it is important that your drinking water is absolutely safe. You may filter, use an RO, or boil as per the level of contamination expected.

Carry your water bottle when going out to choose bottled water.

Eating freshly prepared and home-cooked meals is advisable, as street food and leftovers are more susceptible to contamination during the rainy season.

Fruits and vegetables must be thoroughly washed with clean water before consumption. Avoid raw foods like salads in restaurants.

Cooking food at appropriate temperatures can kill harmful bacteria and viruses, further reducing the risk of infection.

Practice good Hygiene

Diabetics should also practice good hygiene by washing hands frequently, especially before meals and after using the restroom, to prevent the spread of germs.

Storing food properly in airtight containers and maintaining a clean kitchen environment can also help in minimizing exposure to pathogens.

It is important to keep your diet healthy and balanced. Eat plenty of whole grains, vegetables, and fruits with low glycemic index. Avoid sugary foods and processed foods as these can cause sugar spikes.


Engage in indoor exercises like yoga, Pilates, or home workouts if outdoor activities are disrupted by rain. Maintain regular physical activity to help regulate blood sugar levels. Exercise, hobbies, and good sleep help reduce stress and keep mental illness at bay.

Skin Care

In case of small cuts and wounds do not take them casually. Keep the area clean and put medicines and ointments regularly to heal it quickly to avoid any complications.

Use mosquito repellents and nets to prevent any mosquito bites. Maintain hygiene and avoid any water logging in your area to prevent breeding. If removal of stagnant water is not feasible for you, you may put some kerosene oil on it. It will prevent breeding.

Monitor Blood Sugar and other health issues

Blood sugar must be monitored regularly and always stay in touch with your doctor for any tests required or any other challenge. Ensure you have enough medications and supplies in stock at the start of the rainy season.

If you are having any difficulty in seeing, promptly consult an eyes specialist as high sugar may be responsible for this.

Take Away Preventive measures such as maintaining good hygiene, monitoring blood sugar levels closely, adapting to indoor exercise routines, and ensuring proper medication storage can help manage these risks and reduce the likelihood of complications during the monsoon season. Always keep your emergency plan ready in case you need a doctor or hospital urgently.

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