Mental Health and Comfort Eating in Rainy Weather

comfort eating

Rainy weather brings a lot of relief from the scorching heat. The surroundings become lush green and pitter patter of raindrops feels like music to the ears. For a few days, we drench in the glory of much-awaited rain and raindrops soothe our souls. As the season goes on, rainy days stretch, and sunshine becomes sparse. You are unable to go out and socializing and exercising plans start getting affected regularly. That is the time when gloominess might set.

Long spells of rain can have a significant impact on the mental health of some individuals as they start feeling sad and lethargic. Most of the time this can contribute to comfort eating, where individuals turn to food to manage their emotions. They start snacking more to feel better and often these snacks are unhealthy. Here is how these elements are connected:

Mental Health and Rainy Weather:

  1. Mood Changes: Grey skies and prolonged rain can lead to decreased sunlight exposure, which affects the production of serotonin, a mood-regulating neurotransmitter. When the happy hormone level reduces in the body, it can result in feelings of sadness or depression.
  2. Reduced Activity: Rainy weather often limits outdoor activities, leading to a more sedentary lifestyle. People resort to watching TV or mindless scrolling on their mobile phones. This can negatively impact mental health and contribute to an increase in feelings of boredom or restlessness.
  3. Sleep Disruption: The sound of rain, and changes in atmospheric pressure and humidity can disrupt sleep patterns. Rain clouds continually blocking out the sun can also disrupt melatonin production, the sleep hormone. Disturbed and inadequate sleep leads to fatigue and irritability.

Comfort Eating:

  1. Emotional Response: When feeling down or stressed, people often turn to comfort foods that are high in sugar, fat, and carbohydrates. These foods can temporarily boost mood by increasing the levels of serotonin and endorphins which are ‘Happy hormones’ of the body. When you are feeling low, you do not want to work or cook, so a pack of chips are cold drinks are easy pick.
  2. Boredom Eating: Rainy days can lead to boredom as your outdoor activities are restricted. This prompts people to eat as a way to pass the time or seek pleasure in the absence of other activities.
  3. Nostalgia and Cravings: Rainy weather can evoke nostalgic feelings, leading individuals to crave familiar, comforting foods associated with positive memories. You may start craving chai-samosa, hot jalebis, cakes, pakoras, malpuas, the foods you used to have in childhood or youth on a rainy day.

Impact on Weight and Health:

  1. Weight Gain: Consistent comfort eating, especially high-calorie foods, can lead to weight gain over time. This is especially true when physical activity is low. If you are eating food with high fat and sugar, you must burn those extra calories. There is no other way to stay fit and healthy.
  2. Nutritional Imbalance: Relying on comfort foods can result in a diet lacking in essential nutrients, affecting overall health and well-being. Processed flour lacks bran which is rich in minerals and is essentially rich in starch. Most of the snacks use refined flour or fried potatoes which are low on nutrients. Not eating fruits, vegetables, and whole grains leads to nutritional deficiencies, which impacts both physical and mental health. The scarcity of sunlight also affects the production of Vitamin D in the body, essential for good health.
  3. Cycle of Emotions: The temporary relief provided by comfort eating can lead to guilt or dissatisfaction afterward, creating a cycle of negative emotions. Feeling low and bad can lead to further eating more comfort food to feel better again. This becomes a harmful cycle of emotion, which may destroy your health.

Strategies to Manage Comfort Eating:

  1. Mindful Eating: Pay attention to hunger cues and eat only when hungry. Fix your mealtimes to reduce snacking. Eat slowly to enjoy food more fully and recognize when you are satisfied. Keep yourself well hydrated as it helps you feel more active and less hungry.
  2. Healthy Alternatives: Choose healthier comfort foods in place of processed and junk foods. Identify some options of your choice like seasonal fruits, nuts, and yogurt to satisfy cravings without compromising nutrition. You may plan your snacks in advance and stop keeping packaged junk food at home to avoid temptation. Choose to bake, air-fry, steam, or even barbecue instead of frying your snacks.
  3. Stay Active: Engage in indoor physical activities like yoga, dancing, Zumba, or home workouts to boost mood and reduce the urge to eat out of boredom. You may also join some online classes.
  4. Plan some family activities: Even if socializing is limited, there can be a lot of fun planned at home. You may play board games with siblings, try your hand at painting, or try some new recipes. Involving yourself in some hobby is much better than passive entertainment like watching TV or reels. When you are active you do not feel bored and do not need comfort foods to feel better.
  5. Mental Health Practices: Use techniques like yoga, meditation, journaling, or talking to a friend to manage emotions instead of turning to food. When mental health is good, you are more likely to make healthier choices.
  6. Avoid Stockpiling Unhealthy Foods: Keep tempting, unhealthy foods out of the house. Do not buy packs of chips and cola drinks on your trips to the grocery store. This reduces the likelihood of reaching for them during moments of weakness. Instead stock your refrigerator with fruits, yogurt, carrot, cucumbers, and healthy snack raw material.
  7. Get Enough Sleep: Ensure you are getting sufficient rest at night during the rainy season. Lack of sleep can cause stress and restlessness which can increase cravings for high-calorie foods and reduce your willpower.
  8. Create a Cozy Environment: Make your indoor space comfortable and relaxing. Keep it clean and organized. Light candles, play soothing music or enjoy a warm drink like herbal tea to create a cozy atmosphere without turning to food.

By understanding the connection between rainy weather, mental health, and comfort eating, individuals can develop healthier coping mechanisms to maintain both physical and mental well-being.

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